Sunday, May 23, 2010

Compact air compressor

Ever wake up to a low tire and have to change it or risk ruining it by driving to have it looked after.

We need a small air compressor for just such events and to keep our tires inflated to the proper psi. Since it was my birthday and I had an excuse to spend money.

I bought this compact air compressor from Sears, Item # 00915309000,
Model # 15309. Small and under 25lbs. Max of 150psi and a cut-in of 120psi. Cut-in pressure means when its 1.5 gallon tank drops below 120psi, the compressor starts building air until it reaches 150psi.

This is not a compressor for using large volumes of air but it will work fine for my needs and small enough to easily store.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Another one down

Well I have lived to see another birthday. How the hell can I be 62 years old. My dad died at 57 and my mom almost made it to 73. My sibling followed at about the same numbers. Half around 60 and half over 70. The averages give me a few more years.

Starting Monday I will be working for 1/2 price! I could be drawing my SS that makes up about half my take home pay. I told the boss I needed a 100% raise and he said he would pay me what I am worth but he knows I can't live on that!

Dang that does not sound possible, "me on SS". I always thought SS was for "old people".

Monday, May 10, 2010

Banking on the Road

Not many people write checks anymore and after we hit the road we will only have our mini-storage that will need a check sent. All reoccurring bills can be paid online.

We will be using two banks and a credit union. Judy has her SS check direct deposited in a local bank and I will have my SS check and any draws from my IRA direct deposited in US Bank that has branches nation wide. My pension check will be deposited in my saving account at my credit union.

Why two banks? Judy will carry only her bank card and one credit card and I will carry my bank card and the other credit card. Should she lose her purse or should I lose my wallet, we can cancel only that bank and credit card and still have the other separate accounts to continue to use until we get things straighten out. Straightening things out while on the road could take awhile.

Our banks card use different ATM networks so there should always be one or the other available to us. We will always have a few "ole blues" ($100 bills)in reserve and will always work with money above those. That way ATM money can be acquired when convenient and we will never be broke. If we pay an occasional $2 ATM fee it will be alright because we will we getting the max the ATM will allow.

I can also use my credit union ATM card, plus they are affiliated with several hundred credit unions across the country that I can walk in, show my card and ID and draw out any amount of my saving that I might need.

Sounds simple enough.

Sunday, May 02, 2010

I think I like this stranger

Yesterday I saw a late model Ford pickup stop in the street and turn on the flashers. I didn't see any fluids or steam leaking so it appeared it just quit running. By the time the red light changed and I made it so I could see what was happening, I was pleasantly surprised.

The older gentleman had stopped and was removing a turtle for the street. Little doubt saving its life. A simple gesture that shows there is still hope for this world.