Thursday, April 13, 2006

Eye Candy

Last week I stopped at my usual c-store for coffee. As I approached the cashier the second thing I noticed was a cute, petite, 20ish girl that was very lost.

Coming from Indiana, she was headed to New Orleans. No map and just directions written on a small piece of paper. She was supposed to take I-55 south out of Memphis. She was now 150 miles west and didn't have a clue. After looking at her directions (she had written I-65 instead of I-55).

Apparently she stopped somewhere west of Memphis and asked about highway 65. She was sent further west as 65 goes south out of Little Rock. The problem if that 65 does not connect with I-40 that she was traveling on but off I-30 whitch is off I-40.

So she is now an hour west of Little Rock. After trying to direct her to the easiest way to get to New Orleans she finally desides to buy a map. Talk about "deer in the headlights", this young lady can't read a map. The more I explan the less she understands.

In the end I think she decides to travel all the way back to Memphis to take I-55. Way out of the way but a lot easier route to follow (hope she made it).
So I stop for coffee yesterday and talked to the cashier about the girl and the cashier said she had "prepaid" for $20 of gas and was so confused she drove off without pumping it. I guess she was so lost she couldn't remember how to get back as she never returned.

I said "the second thing I noticed", the "first thing" was the square cut shirt loaded with a "nice rack". I guess men are pigs no matter how old we are.


  1. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Not sure what gives with that generation of young folks. My daughter is 25 and can't read a map either, which she will not admit. We still have to write out the directions for her to travel between college (Mesa, AZ) and home (Southern Michigan). She is a bright woman but doesn't care about reading maps when she can do as the one you write about. It is not just these 2 but many in my daughter's undergrad college classes are the same way. Being so far away from her graduate school, we just don't know about her classmates there.

    As for the "men are pigs" thing...guilty as charged.


  2. Colleen5:42 AM

    I just stumbled upon your blog and starting back at the beginning I havetruly felt your feelings as you wrote. You make me laugh and today that’s not an already thing to do. Thank you so much for sharing your little bits of wisdom and humor. I know I love them


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