Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Full Moon?

Because we will not work Thanksgiving, the normal "run" schedule does not apply this week.

I ran Monticello and Hamburg yesterday. Had to make unscheduled stops in Pine Bluff and Star City to drop off Buttermilk that we had run out of then those trailers were loaded and delivered. Buttermilk takes several hours to make, so when you are out, you will be out for awhile. No big deal, just get the job done.

Everything was going fine until I left Monticello. The speed limit is 45 mph thru town and after leaving city limits the road is uphill. I'm doing about 50 mph when a car at a stop sign on my right pulls out in front on me headed back to town. The driver was a young woman with kids in the car. She simply failed to see a "big 60' long truck". I had to brake sharply and she looked and I could see the terror in her eyes. It unnerved me as I thought about what could have happened.

About 2 miles down the road, a big truck blew out a left front tire and ended up across the road on my shoulder. I was never in any danger as it happened about a mile in front of me, but I could see it all as it happened.

5 miles further down the road, a deer hunter in a pickup with a 4 wheeler on a trailer ran a stop sign and was half way out in the road when I passed.

Some days just seem more dangerous than others.


  1. Yikes. Maybe all those accidents are out-of-the-way now and tomorrow will be an accident free day for late travelers.

    I'm glad you are fine.

  2. It's scary when you think of all the accidents that COULD happen!! Happy Thanksgiving Squire, hope you had a wonderful day!!!


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