Saturday, January 20, 2007

Female President?

First off, this is really not a political post. It is not about Hillary but about a woman for president. If we are ever going to have a female president then a viable woman has to break the "political ice".

Now I "will" tell you why I think a woman would make a good president. By and large, I think women are more compassionate than men. It is just encoded in their DNA.

Health care for every individual is long overdue. Maybe some day when we elect a women president and have enough females in the senate and house, it might happen. If we can't have a female president, then the next best thing would be have enough women to get things done without the president.

Nancy Pelosi is just such a "political icebreaker". Maybe it starts here.

Would I actually vote for a female president? I vote for the candidate that
think will best lead our country.

We all want what is best for our country. We just have different issues and ways we think will best accomplish that goal.

At the end of the day, we must all work together for a better America.


  1. I'm in agreement with most of your sentiments but I'm not sure Hilary is the one in her family with thec compassion. She's got the grit but I've never felt the heart from her.

  2. Here in Canada we've had ONE woman Prime Minister...she lasted about 2 months! Kim Campbell was her name...don't think anyone really remembers her! lol I agree with Annie, I don't believe Hilary Clinton is compassionate at all, she's as hard as they come.

  3. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I disagree with both above blogs.I think Hillary has shown compassion several times while married to Bill. I look forward to 2008 and Hillary as our next president!

  4. Squire, regarding your question on my blog today. Any class or combination of classes is free to those over 60. Just go to and look at the undergraduate or graduate catalogues and the classes being offered for the semester. It's not to late to take classes this semester if you want. If you want to audit, you simply have to show proof of age.

  5. Anonymous9:09 AM

    I see that you have not read and studied the bible. A woman is not to be over a man. Just as they can not be preachers or Deacons. As P&D must be a man of one wife. KJV. I am sure with 44 different bibles out there you can come up with one saying anything you want.



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