Thursday, April 19, 2007

France - The Louvre

The Louvre is open one night a week and we took advantage of the reduced nightly rate to save a little money and extend the day.

The Louvre is "HUGE", the museum is U shaped and I stood in the open courtyard and marveled at its size.

Turning away and looking out the open end of the courtyard one can the the Arch of Triumph.

No, that is not it! If you enlarge the photo you will see it in the distance. This monument lines up perfectly with the Arch that is across town. I thought that was so cool.

The Louvre would take several days ( or weeks ) to see but one has to see the "big three".

The Winged Victory of Samothrace is thought to predate the birth of Jesus. Around 200 BC.

The Venus de Milo is recognized by everyone and it makes one feel special to be standing in the same room.

Photos of the Mona Lisa are not permited so I found this one on the net. I had already been warned it was not a large painting. But at about 30" X 20" it just didn't seem "larger than life", as I had always thought. It is in a large frame to add to its size.
By now I was starting to wilt and we called it a night after having a great pizza at a small Paris (did I mention I am in PARIS ) restaurant.


  1. I loved this tour of both the outside and the inside (sort of) of the Louvre.

    Did you learn to roll your r's in the back of the throat?

  2. I kept my mouth shut and let Zac do the talking. hehe

  3. I can imagine the feeling of standing in the same room and gazing upon a great, historical work of art. I felt that way when I visited the Metropoliton Museum of Art in NY City and saw Van Goghs and Rembrandts, Monets, Renoirs, Picassos and Gaughins, etc. It's totally awe-inspiring! How I'd love to visit The Louvre and all those other wonderful sights your saw.


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