Tuesday, May 22, 2007

59, How can that be?

May 22, 1948. Yes that is when I was born.
2007 - 1948 = 59 years.

Sure I can do the math (with the help of a calculator , numbers this LARGE are a little hard), but the real question is, "How did the years pass so fast?"

I really can't complain as my health is very good. I have never spent the night in a hospital from an illness. Two overnight stays, one when I was hit by a car in Los Angeles when I was 12 and for a tonsillectomy when I was 15.

I can count on one hand the number of days I have missed work from illness.

The old saying, "I am not as good as I once was, but I am as good once as I ever was" ( heck I never was as good as I thought I was anyway).

But I can still put in a hard days work ( with the help of aspirin) but am sore the next day if I have used muscles I am not used to using.

I have type II diabetes but have no trouble keeping it under control if I eat like I should. I really don't have to follow a diet, just watch my sweet intake.

My eye site is alright for someone my age as I can see in the distance better than most people of any age and just need glasses to read.

I have more forehead to wash but it is offset by having less hair to comb. Heck, I even have less teeth to brush than when I was younger.

I still like to look at the women, but I just can't remember why!

So as I wind down to retirement I guess I am very fortunate for the shape I am in.

Now I have something to look forward to, the BIG six O.


  1. Happy Birthday Squire. I hope you make this an extra special day, give yourself some little treat. You've already given yourself a wonderful new computer desk. I'm impressed with your wordworking skills - that's a skill I've never developed though I do have a mother who can build beautiful desks, cabinets, shelves, etc. I should take after her and you a bit more than I do.

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! You are just a youngn' from my view.I think the secret is to stay active--sounds like you are.

  3. Happy Birthday to you. My birthday was May 24, I turned 55. I am still the youngest workamper at the park, though.

  4. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Sammy, Do you remember Karen Boatman from Gurdon? I have read your blogs and they are interesting. It has been years since I have seen you.

  5. Hi Karen, it has been years, hasn't it. Good to hear from you.


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