Sunday, May 06, 2007

Annie Oakley

Anyone remember the "Annie Oakley Show" from the 50"s?

Annie Oakley was played by Gail Davis from Little Rock. She was our company spokesperson and we displayed her picture on our retail home delivery trucks ( yes milk used to be delivery to you door. We stopped this practice about 10 years ago).

Our company donates products at various public events and have a large grill that we take to cook for people.

We took the old retail truck that be used for this and painted it in the style of our 50's trucks.

It was displayed at our annual company picnic today. The truck looks great and will be a rolling advertisement for our company.

It conjours up a life before cell phones, computers, locked doors, both parents working outside the home, and lets not forget the Saturday afternoon westerns.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED Annie Oakley. In fact, I think my name was inspired by her.

    I had no idea the actress who played the TV part was from Little Rock. In fact, I'm not sure I ever saw the TV show but I grew up hearing about Annie Oakley.


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