Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Viewing Another Direction

From my drivers seat I get to look down on some amazing sights, some that are hard to report on a family friendly blog.

Saturday the amazing views came from looking up instead of down. My Saturday run has me circling the Jacksonville Air Force Base and they were having a open house military air base show.

The airbase is the home of the C-130 cargo planes and we see them flying in formation almost every day.

For the "airshow", the Navy Blue Angels were brought in to perform. While I did not go to the show, I had a great seat for the show as they made their turns just over my truck as they made their way back to pass over the crowds at the airbase.

If you have never had a chance to see the Blue Angels, you are missing a show that will make you shutter with patriotism.


  1. Amazing shot of the Blue Angels!

  2. Wow, what super photos :)

    Hope you and the family are well :o)

  3. We sat on the roof of our house in base housing and the blue angels flew over so close we could make out the mask over their faces. Of course, they weren't allowed to flyover civilian homes, but we didn't matter. ;)

    It rocked!


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