Thursday, July 01, 2010

Anxiety Attack

I started filling out my Social Security application online today knowing I could finish it and put it on "hold" until I decided to "send" or "cancel" and choose another date if I decided not to retire at the end of September.

After I finished I waited a few minutes before putting it on hold and thought why not just hit "send" and be thru with it. Bang just like that and the wheels are now in motion!

It took about five minutes and I starting having a major anxiety attack.

"Damn Sam, what have you gotten yourself into this time!"

I wanted to do it but it just seemed so final once the paperwork was started.


  1. I quit work at the end of September of year 61 of my life. SSA was not started until 62 and three months. Now that extra three months is regretted. Going back to work is not desireable now and I love it. Have fun TheOFM

  2. While reading old entries I saw where you have 80 gallon gray water storage. If you don't mind what make model is your trailer. That is excellent capacity in a travel trailer. I need to look at that brand. Thanks Barney

  3. Barney, thanks for the comments. I have a Cardinal travel trailer by Forrest River.


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