Sunday, July 17, 2011

Lander, Wy.

Lander is a interesting "cowboy town" and we stayed 4 nights to soak it in. We drove out to Sink Canyon and was treated with beauty and a little enlightenment thrown in for good measure.

The Sinks Canyon received its name from a very unique feature of the Popo Aque river.

Two photos of the river before it "sinks"

This is where it reappears,

looking downstream after the pool where it reappears.

Driving deeper into the canyon and the road climbs with a series of "switchbacks" that will take you breath away (just ask the wife!).

This was taken about 2/3 the way up at the first pull out and I was duly informed that we WOULD be turning around and heading back down.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Squire,
    Sorry I haven't check in here for quite a while. I'm glad to see that you and your wife are out on the road living your dream. I enjoy following your progress on this blog. Keep up the good work, and the best of luck to you both!


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