Monday, June 18, 2012

Union City, Tn.

Union City is a town of about 11,000 in northwest Tennessee and not what you would call a "destination" but more of a pass thru sort of place. Well that will change in the fall of 2013, but first a look around town.

Union City is the county seat for Obion county and has a rather nice courthouse.      

This statue at the courthouse honors Congressman Robert A. "Fats" Everett. No, I never heard of him but liked the saying on the statue "If a man don't want to work, he hadn't ought to hire out". A simple concept that is lost on a lot of people.

This beautiful church with copper colored dome was just off the courthouse square.

This is the county museum and this is what I previously mentioned that was going to transmit Union City into a destination. The museum is presently closed and everything is being cataloged because they are building a new 50 acre $60,000,000 show place. I had to type the number because "sixty million" written just doesn't have the same impact. Remember this is a small town of only 11,000 people. There are also several large warehouses around town used for collecting objects for the new place. Eleven log building are also to be moved.

This photo shows most of the 50 acre site and the impressive tower.

A nice closer photo.

OK, now the "sixty million question", "Where did the money come from?".

Well it certainly wasn't Goodyear Tire and Rubber that closed its plant last year taking the 1800 jobs with it and the distinction of being the only plant licenced to build the tires for the new Chevrolet Corvettes.

Discovery Park of America is being funded by Robert and Jenny Kirkland. Not familiar with those names, how about Kirkland Home Decor Stores.

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